Iskustva pacijenata

Sretni smo što imamo klijente iz cijele Europe i ponosimo se izgradnjom dugotrajnih odnosa kroz usmenu riječ, obitelj i prijatelje…

Pierina, UK


“In the midst of overall medical tests I had to submit my panoramic X-ray to a Medical Director of dentists at one of the largest Roman hospital: he was very impressed by the high quality of the work done at the Institute Dentalna Jelusic, complimenting lengthy on the work performed, which made me very happy.


Professionalism and experience distinguish this clinic from others, but what surpasses it is the hospitality, the sincerity and friendliness of all the staff.

Thanks for everything.


Gerti, Germany


“Eine hochmoderne, ausnehmend freundlich eingerichtete Zahnklinik hoch über Opatija & Volosko. Wir sind durch Mundpropaganda im Hotel Miramar auf Euch aufmerksam geworden und sind sehr zufrieden. Das Preis-Leistung-Verhältnis ist unschlagbar, die Mitarbeiter Innen sind zuvorkommend und nett – besonders auch Herr Dr. Jelušić spricht hervorragend Deutsch und ist sehr sympathisch.

Auf in Wiedersehen!

Unknown, UK


“Professionalism and experience distinguish this clinic from others, but what surpasses it is the hospitality, the sincerity and friendliness of all the staff.

Thanks for everything, with sympathy!

Roberto, Paola e Giorgio, Italia


“Professionalitá ed esperienza distinguano questa clinica, ma ció che supera é l’ospitalita la simpatia e la cordialita di tutto lo staff.

Grazie per tutto, con simpatia!

Unknown, UK


“Thanks from my whole family for your professionalism and excellent work, to the entire team of Dental Polyclinic Dr. Jelušić. You’re all great – both the doctors, the lab and the reception. Continue the great work. We are not changing our dentist anymore 🙂

Greetings from Slovenia / Croatia.”

Tina, Slovenia


“Zahvala cijele moje obitelji na profesionalnosti i odličnom radu cijeloj ekipi Dentalne poliklinike dr. Jelušić. Svi ste super – kako doktori, tako i laboratorij  i recepcija. Samo tako naprijed. Mi ne mijenjamo više zubara 🙂

Pozdrav iz Slovenije!

Unknown, UK


“A state-of-the-art, exceptionally friendly dental clinic, close to Opatija & Volosko. We became aware of you through word of mouth in the Hotel Miramar and we are very satisfied. The price-performance ratio is unbeatable, the staff are courteous and nice – especially Dr. Jelušić, who speaks excellent German and is very pleasant.

See you soon!

Linda, UK


“I would like to share my greatest experience of dental work with a fantastic Doctor in Croatia! I live in Knightsbridge and I spent the last ten years researching dental practices in London. I have had a lot of consultations but I have never been convinced with the expertise nor the technology offered by UK consultants. I didn’t have the trust nor confidence to spend that kind of money and be satisfied with the result.


However, I have met this dental genius and yet the humblest man, Dr Damir! My biggest fear was always of implants. My intention was to have the beauty treatment followed with crowns and I finally went ahead! It’s so amazing how perfect and yet natural my smile is now! No one could guess I have had the work done even though my smile is now perfect.


Dr Damir is an amazing talented man. He is a unique individual! He has an outstanding establishment. I just think I am so lucky to have the privilege to know him and to realise that my confidence is boosted and flourishing due to my incredible smile. I am very grateful to everyone who has worked on this project to make it happen with the highest quality and the greatest standards for achievement.


Above all, during this work the feeling of care and attention to details, promptness and the courtesy of everyone in the clinic made me very comfortable and also very excited.

A massive thank you with the greatest smile ever.

Beniamino, Italy


“Non voglio farmi scappare l’occasione per fare dei complimenti ha questo ragazzo… conosciuto 20 anni fa in quel di Kastav Croazia… raccontando un aneddoto personale… per testiomoniare anche quanto detto in questa serata… la mia attuale protesi dentale di implantologia é stata modellata nell’impianto inferiore dal papa di Damir nel 1999 e la parte superiore da Damir nel 2001 quando in Italia questi tipi di interventi erano quasi sconosciuti.


Io ha Damir auguro per il futuro ancora tanta intrapredenza e tanti successi perché ho avuto la fortuna di conoscere un luminare della implantologia.

Tuo paziente B.L.

Unknown, UK


“In the midst of overall medical tests I had to submit my panoramic X-ray to a Medical Director of dentists at one of the largest Roman hospital: he was very impressed by the high quality of the work done at the Institute Dentalna Jelusic, complimenting lengthy on the work performed, which made me very happy.”

Unknown, Italy


“Nel quadro di esami medici complessivi ho dovuto sottoporre la mia ortopanoramica ad un Dirigente Medico odontoiatra presso un grande ospedale romano: é rimasto molto impressionato dall’ alta qualitá del lavoro svolto presso il Policlinico Jelusic, complimentandosi lungamente, cosa che mi ha fatto molto piacere.”

Antonio, Italy


“Egregi Sigg. Studio dr Jelusic, fare una recensione su di Voi credo che non siano sufficenti poche righe per evidenziare  l’alta Professionalità …Disponibilità e Umanità  del Suo Mentore che unito a tutto il Suo Staff ha creato nel corso degli anni un Team di alto livello……. dove convergono da ogni parte d’Italia per  riprendersi quel sorriso  nascosto e forse dimenticato….. lasciando nel cuore della gente una nuova speranza di vita. Ebbene….. Voi date questo…… e di questo i Vostri assistiti lo hanno capito ed apprezzato.

Con i più vivi sentimenti, A.M.

Unknown, UK


“The first time I came here, during a treatment break I went for a tour to discover the area. In Ičići I gave a lift to an older lady who asked me why I was here. I replied that I was being treated by Dr. Jelusic and I asked if I had chosen well. Her answer was: “They are dentists for generations, the father is a dentist, the mother is a dentist, and then the son also a dentist… he a very, very good one, be sure!!!” I thank her again because her assurance really helped me at the time.


I can say I’m very satisfied with the competence, attention and care during the whole treatment. Over time, my family members also came here and they are all very satisfied.

Thanks for everything!

Mauro, Italy


“La prima volta che sono venuto qui, durante una pausa di cura sono andato a fare u giro alla scoperta del territorio. A Ičići ho datto un passaggio in auto ad una vecchia signora che mi ha chiesto perche ero qui. Ho risposto che ero in cura dal dott. Jelusic e ho chiesto se avevo scelto bene. La sua risposta e stata: „Sono dentisti da generazioni, dentista il padre, dentista la madre, dentista il figlio… molto, molto bravo, state sicuro!!!“ Non ricordo il nome della signora, ma la ringrazio ancora perché mi ha molto tranquillizzato all’epoca.


Ora sono molto soddisfatto per la compentenza, attenzione e cura nel lavoro eseguito. Col tempo anche i miei familiari sono venuti qui e sono tutti molto soddisfatti.

Grazie per tutto!

Unknown, UK


“We came from Rovereto (TN). We thank you for your kindness and excellent skills, you are real experts. Thank you so much!


My grandparents have been coming for 30 years and they have always felt very satisfied, and now I am 11 and I chose to visit you too.

Keep it up, you are great!

Giulia e Nadia, Italy


“Noi veniamo da Rovereto (TN). Vi ringraziamo per la vostra gentilezza e bravura, siete dei veri esperti. Grazie di cuore!


I miei nonni vengono da 30 anni e si sono sempre trovati bene, e ora inizio anche io che ho 11 anni.

Continuate cosi, siete bravissimi!